15/04/74 Avyakt BapDada
Become the destroyers of obstacles and, like Angad, conquer Maya.
Are all of you progressing? Do you know what is the sign of the stage of ascent? It is to be constantly absorbed in love and to be a destroyer of obstacles. Are you experiencing both these signs in yourself? Instead of becoming a destroyer of obstacles, you don't come down from your stage when you see any obstacles, do you? Do all the different types of storms that come create upheaval in your intellect? When you receive a gift from someone, it doesn't cause upheaval in the intellect, but it creates enthusiasm. In the same way, do the storms that come increase your enthusiasm or do they increase your upheaval? If you consider the storm to be a storm, there will be upheaval, whereas if you consider or experience it to be a gift, then your enthusiasm and courage will increase multifold. This is the sign of the stage of ascent. Instead of being afraid, by going into the depth you will attain many new jewels of experiences from the ocean of tests. Do you have this experience? Having the thoughts, "What is happening? Why is this happening? This will not do." is known as upheaval. Jewels are merged in the upheaval. When you look at them on the surface with the vision and intellect of extroversion, you will see and experience it as upheaval, but by looking at the same thing with the vision and intellect of introversion, you will attain many types of jewels of knowledge, points of knowledge.
If, whilst seeing or hearing of anything, you experience amazement, then this is also not the final stage. "It should not happen like this. That which is good should happen." If, after having knowledge of the drama, you have such thoughts, then this too is called a slight trace of upheaval. If, even now, you have the questions of "why, what" etc, it means there is upheaval. It is essential for obstacles to come, and if it also remains in the intellect to the same extent that it is essential for the obstacles to come, then a maharathi also remains cheerful to the same extent. "Nothing new", is the final stage. If anyone performing a task or playing a part creates upheaval, then just like in the ocean, upheaval may be visible on the surface, that is, there may be upheaval of the sense organs, but your internal stage should be of "nothing new". Are those who are stable, constant and in solitude, that is, those who know the depth of the Creator and the creation and have the trikaldarshi stage, stabilised in a comfortable stage peacefully? Or, does upheaval of the sense organs make your internal stage fluctuate? When the physical ocean is able to show both the forms, can the master oceans of knowledge not show both forms also? The elements have copied human beings. You are the most elevated of all human beings. If the elements are able to show their qualifications, are the most elevated human beings not able to show this also?
Do you know in which direction time is going? It is going towards the extreme. You can see the extreme in every aspect. The sign of the end is the extreme. Just as the elements are going towards their extreme and their end, so too, the tests and obstacles that come to souls who are to become complete also come in their extreme form. Therefore, there should not be any wonder that this didn't exist before; that why is it like this now? There shouldn't be any wonder about this. Only when amazing things come to you in the form of questions in the final paper will you be able to pass or fail. The paper is when you do not have any questions in your intellect. And it is a paper of just one second. When you have to question "why?", it will make you stand in the queue of being part of the moon dynasty. But first, there will be the kingdom of the sun dynasty, will there not? The turn of those of the moon dynasty will be after that. Their number will come in the queue of those who are to be seated on the throne of the kingdom. Therefore, there should be the practice of remaining stable in a constant stage at all times. Don't begin to look after the seat of problems, but whilst seated on your seat, face the problems. Now, the problems remind you of your seat. When obstacles come, you have special yoga and bhatthis, do you not? This proves that your enemy reminds you of your weapons; and that you do not have natural and constant remembrance. Are you constant yogis or yogis who still experience the difference? Your title is "constant yogi", is it not? No enemy should come and neither should any problem oppose you. To become a thorn from a crucifix is also not the final stage. Change the crucifix into a thorn and then burn the thorn with the fire of yoga from a distance. It is not the final stage when you have to remove a thorn that has pricked you. Finish the thorns with your perfect and complete stage. This is the final stage. Whilst keeping such an aim, make your stage move forward in the stage of ascent. Maharathis have reached the stage of experiencing a big thing to be something small numberwise, according to their capacity. You now have to reach the destination where even the slightest trace and its progeny are finished.
All of you are constantly moving along with zeal, enthusiasm and in co-operation with everyone, are you not? You have encircled everything in order to finish the iron-aged world, to transform it and to bid farewell to Maya. Have you surrounded it strongly or do some become weak in-between? You don't get tired or stop whilst moving along, do you? You don't fix the aspect of not moving forward and not moving backwards, but remaining as you are, do you? You have not stopped anywhere thinking that you will move along when time gives you a push, have you? You have not come to a standstill, waiting for some sort of support from someone, have you? So, what would you call those who have such a stage? You do not think this is the stage of Angad, the unshakeable one, do you? If you come to a standstill in this way, then those who come last will go ahead fast. Whenever snow settles on a mountain and the roads are blocked, you cannot go ahead, and so you have to make effort to melt or move the ice. Here also, if you become set like ice, it proves that you lack the fire of yoga. Intensify the fire of yoga and the path will become clear. Keep in your intellect the points of courage and enthusiasm that you have received and the path will become clear. According to the result of the present time, only half of you are moving along in this way. Therefore, now move forward in this. Does this result seem right for the most elevated souls? Therefore, now do not become Angad in your present speed of effort nor become Angad in being defeated by Maya, but become Angad in being victorious. Achcha.
To the souls who take sustenance from the highest-on-high Father; to the souls who sustain the world; to the elevated souls of the Vishnu clan; to the most elevated souls who transform the elements; to the souls who are revealed to the world as the images who grant visions; to the yogi souls, love, remembrances and good morning from BapDada.
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